Working with IBG as a BCaBA means you will conduct assessments, develop intervention plans, collaborate with support systems and train all key persons interacting with your clients with continuous support from a qualified BCBA supervisor. IBG will ensure a BCBA supervisor is available to meet the ongoing supervision requirements for BCaBA’s before starting with IBG. The supervisor assigned will be fully engaged with you throughout this process, with a signed contract to ensure proper and effective long-term supervision.
Minimum Requirements:
- Bachelor’s Degree Diploma
- BCaBA Certificate
- Active BCaBA Certification # with the BACB.
- Resume showing all employment, volunteer &/or personal experiences in direct care or support of individuals with diagnoses or disabilities of any type.
- At least 2 non-relative references who can verify your experiences related to developmental, mental health, and/or human services.
- Access to technology for e-mail, use of our software system for billing and clinical notes, etc. This can be a phone, computer, desktop, tablet, etc. Any form of technology that allows you to use internet services.