Want to learn more about the ins and outs of ABA therapy and the behavior analysis industry? We’ve compiled some of our favorite resources to help you learn the lingo and acquire more knowledge about the science of ABA.
What is ABA?
- This PDF provides easy to understand explanations about ABA, a review of some common terms and definitions, and some reasons behind why individuals may benefit from ABA services.
Source: Autism Live YouTube Channel
- A 3 minute video by the Autism Live YouTube Channel, a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD). Autism Live interviews Dr. Adel Najdowski, where he shares helpful information about ABA, and elaborates on some common misconceptions related to ABA services.
Source: Hope Education Services Website
- Another video explaining what ABA therapy is all about, and how it is the only scientifically validated treatment for autism.
About The ABA Industry | Professional Expectations & Governing Board
Official, professional & educational information from the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) website.
Source: The BACB
ABA & FAQ’s | The Whats, Whys & Hows of ABA
Practical information & resources on ABA from
Source: Autism Speaks
ABA & Autism Spectrum Disorders
Source: The BACB | “ABA Guidelines For ASD Treatment”
- This PDF provides information about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and how individuals diagnosed with ASD can benefit from ABA services.

About ABA Professionals
- Board Certified Behavior Analyst with a Master’s degree.
- Actively credentialed BCBA’s have completed extensive professional and educational requirements governed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), and have passed the BCBA Board Exam, which qualifies them to provide professional ABA services to clients.
- BCBA’s must maintain their Board credential by completing yearly Board-approved educational trainings, and must deliver services that adhere to the BACB’s Professional and Ethical Compliance Codes.
- Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst, with a Bachelor’s degree.
- Actively credentialed BCBA’s have completed extensive professional and educational requirements governed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), and have passed the BCaBA Board Exam, which qualifies them to provide professional ABA services to clients.
- In addition to maintaining their credential just as BCBA’s, BCaBA’s must also receive monthly supervision by a qualified BCBA supervisor throughout the duration of their practice.
- Registered Behavior Technician, with at least a high school diploma and completion of a BACB-approved 40-hour training course.
- Actively registered RBT’s have completed the required amount of supervised application of ABA services clients, and have passed the BACB’s competency assessment and RBT examination.
- RBT’s must maintain their Board registration through obtaining monthly supervision requirements by a qualifying BCaBA or BCBA supervisor, complete yearly examinations, and deliver services that adhere to the BACB’s Professional and Ethical Compliance Codes
BT |
- Behavior Technician, commonly with no minimum educational requirements.
- Behavior technicians are not required to complete Board-approved trainings or examinations. In some cases, Health Insurance Plans and employers require Behavior Technicians to complete training courses and show experience in ABA service delivery. Additionally, it is a standard practice for Health Plans and employers to require proof of a clean Federal Background Check prior to hire.
- Behavior Technicians are not required to maintain any Board-related credentials.
- Note: Behavior Technicians cannot provide ABA services without the active supervision of a BCBA or BCaBA. Trusting the quality and effectiveness of services delivered by behavior technicians is solely reliant upon you, and the supervising BCBA/BCaBA. Currently, there are many behavior technicians without an RBT credential who provide exemplary services with high quality supervision however, it is crucial to have proof of their background, conduct, and experience, in addition to proof of the supervising analysts’ active Board credential.
A Tiered Model Of Service Delivery
Source: The BACB | “ABA Guidelines For ASD Treatment”
- Additional information and visuals to show how ABA professionals deliver ABA Services as a team.
How ABA Providers Become Credentialed
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board
- The BACB is the international credentialing Board that governs the educational and professional requirements of ABA professionals.
Training & Credentialing Of Behavior Analysts
Source: The BACB | “ABA Guidelines For ASD Treatment”
- This PDF briefly explains how Behavior Analysts are trained and credentialed to provide professional ABA services.
Check The Status of an ABA Providers’ Credential
- It is important to have proof of your ABA providers’ active Board Credential. As long as you know an ABA provider’s last name, you can check if they hold an active credential with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
- Verified Course Sequence (VCS) search engine to find BACB-Approved ABA programs that fulfill requirements to obtain a BCaBA or BCBA certification.
Application for the BACB Board Examination will not be accepted without completing the appropriate degree from a VCS.

ABA for Caregivers
In-Home Behavioral Services Flyer
- Description of what to generally expect with ABA services in the home setting. Note: This flyer was specifically developed for The May Institute services and does not provide a full overview of how IBG services will be performed in the home setting.
Source: The BACB | “ABA Guidelines For ASD Treatment”
- Information on various ways ABA services may be provided, some procedures commonly used, locations of services, and other important considerations.
How Do ABA Therapists Change Behavior?
Source: Hope Education Services Website
- Video explaining how ABA providers deliver services, and the primary strategies they use to effectively change behaviors.
After applying for ABA services, some preliminary steps will be taken to ensure you fully understand what to expect with beginning services. Before officially starting, your ABA provider must complete a Functional Behavior Assessment to gather crucial information that guides treatment plan development and individualized service delivery.
Starting ABA Services with Assessment
Source: The BACB | “ABA Guidelines For ASD Treatment”
- This PDF outlines the initial assessment process that must take place prior to starting ABA services.
Simply put, ABA treatment focuses on teaching clients more productive and appropriate understandings of the world and interactions around them. Teaching provided solely by ABA professionals is an injustice to not only the client, but any individuals who play a critical role in the clients’ life because learning is limited if not practiced within normal contexts. ABA providers are a temporary and unnatural presence, so active participation of caregivers and all members of the clients’ support team is critical for the meaningful, long term success of ABA services.
How Involved Should Parents Be in an ABA Program?
Source: Hope Education Services Website
- Video that explains how involved parents should be during ABA sessions.
Caregiver Involvement In ABA Services
Source: BACB | “ABA Guidelines For ASD Treatment”
- This document explains why it is important for the clients’ support network to actively participate in ABA services, with specific examples showing the immense value it brings to everyone’s lives.
When someone is unable to access enjoyable things they are accustom to having, they will take more extreme measures to get it back. This is an example of an Extinction Burst. Extinction Bursts are an unavoidable, yet temporary effect of any behavior change program. The information below provides some real-life examples of Extinction Bursts, and tips on how to weather the storm when they occur.
Why Are Behaviors Getting Worse After Starting ABA?
Source: Hope Education Services Website
- Video that explains why parents notice their childs’ behaviors intensifying once ABA services begin. Real life examples of this occurring are provided to clarify what this looks like, and why it happens.
Extinction Bursts Info & Examples Video
Source: Into The Spectrum YouTube Channel
- In this fun, 2.5 minute video, a BCBA explains why the dreaded extinction burst occurs, acts out some example extinction burst situations, and gives simple pointers on how to work through them!
Extinction Burst Defined (Video)
Source: Autism Live YouTube Channel
- A deeper dive into the Extinction Burst; what it means, why it happens, and how to prepare yourself to stay strong while working through them!
Source: Psychology Today | “Bursting Through Bad Habits” Blog Post
- This less formal, entertaining blog post from the Psychology Today website gives some perspective on how Extinction Bursts affect us in our normal, adult lives.
Source: Hope Education Services Website
- From “What is Planned Ignoring?”, to “When is a Time Out A Bad Idea?”, to positive potty training techniques; this website provides helpful videos on how to understand and use ABA strategies, and addresses concerns you may come across as a parent whether you’re receiving ABA services, or simply seeking parenting guidance!
- Dr. Mary Barbera is a Doctoral level BCBA, and a mother to a child diagnosed with autism. In her blog series, she shares a vast range of ABA resources, including: Tips For Helping Your Child Who Has Signs Of Autism, interviews with parents and professionals, How To Be The Best Parent You Can Be To A Child With Autism, Autism Denial, Reducing Aggression, and Positive Parenting Techniques. Diving into her blog series will be met with endless information, covering an infinite range of topics.
Autism Speaks has this wonderful Toolkit for families, covering everything from why challenging behaviors & aggression is commonly associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders, how to best address these behaviors with not just ABA, but rather a full-team of professionals, critical considerations for safe treatment, and how to best work through crisis situations.
It is a lengthy (81 page!) document, but we find that every single page is filled with incredibly valuable information.
It would be a perfect opportunity to schedule weekly/monthly/quarterly meetings with your Board Certified Analyst to review this Toolkit together. This way, it can become a useful document that adds something of value to your life, instead of sitting in a folder for the hopeful day that it will finally be read! (whoever is not guilty of this happening at least once in their life needs to contact me so I can be more like you!) Discussing this information in further detail with your Analyst will make it easier to understand, and meaningfully apply, to your current situation.

ABA for Providers
Source: Hope Education Services Website
- Helpful videos to show some common teaching techniques used when providing ABA therapy.
Everything you need to know about educational requirements, Board certification eligibility, obtaining Board certification and maintaining your credentials.
Receiving & Maintaining Your Certification (All Providers)
Learn More About The RBT Certification
Learn More About The BCaBA Certification
Autism Speaks has this wonderful Toolkit for families, covering everything from why challenging behaviors & aggression is commonly associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders, how to best address these behaviors with not just ABA, but rather a full-team of professionals, critical considerations for safe treatment, and how to best work through crisis situations.
It is a lengthy (81 page!) document, but we find that every single page is filled with incredibly valuable information.
It would be a perfect opportunity to schedule weekly/monthly/quarterly meetings with your Board Certified Analyst to review this Toolkit together. This way, it can become a useful document that adds something of value to your life, instead of sitting in a folder for the hopeful day that it will finally be read! (whoever is not guilty of this happening at least once in their life needs to contact me so I can be more like you!) Discussing this information in further detail with your Analyst will make it easier to understand, and meaningfully apply, to your current situation.

Ethics in ABA
The BACB’s Professional and Ethical Compliance Codes For Behavior Analysts
Source: The BACB Website
- Everything ABA providers need to know, and follow, when it comes to professionalism and ethical decision making in ABA practice.
Ethical Duties & Requirements For ABA Providers
Source: The BACB Website
“We Need Better Ethical Decision Making”